| Head Injury |
Supratentorial Tumors |
Posterior Fossa Surgery|
Intracranial Aneurysms
|Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases
|Neuroendocrine Tumors
Craniotomy-Intraoperative MRI
|Spinal Cord Injury and Procedures
|Pediatric Neuroanesthesia
|Neurosurgery in the Pregnant
|Management of Therapeutic
Interventional Neuroradiology
|Management in Diagnostic
I. Intracranial
The development of the central
nervous system (CNS) is incomplete at birth;
maturation continues until the end of the first year
of life. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) affects cerebral
blood volume (CBV), intracranial volume, and, in
turn, intracranial pressure (ICP). In children from
3 to 12 years of age, the CBF is 100 mL/100 g/minute
and is higher than in adults. The CBF in children
from 6 to 40 months is 90 mL/100 g/minute and in
newborns and premature infants, it is approximately
40 to 42 mL/100 g/minute.
Autoregulation in the newborn is easily impaired or
abolished. This can lead to intraventricular
hemorrhage (IVH) with grave consequences. Recent
studies have demonstrated that hyperventilation
restores autoregulation in the neonate and that CBF
velocity changes logarithmically and directly with
end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (ETco2)
in infants and children. Under normal conditions,
ICP depends more on CBF and CBV than on
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production. All
inhalational anesthetics must therefore be used with
care because they increase CBF and CBV by producing
II. Anesthetic
The anesthetic requirements in
pediatric patients vary with age and maturity.
Neonates and premature infants have decreased
anesthetic requirements relative to older children.
The reasons for the lower requirements in babies are
the immaturity of the newborn's nervous system, the
presence of maternal progesterone, and elevated
levels of endorphins, along with the immaturity of
the blood-brain barrier. Neonates do sense pain and
can develop a stress response to surgical
stimulation. They therefore require adequate levels
of anesthesia to blunt the stress response. Because
the neonate's immature organ systems are sensitive
to anesthetic drugs, a narcotic-based anesthetic
offers more hemodynamic stability, but emergence may
be delayed because the liver and kidneys are not
fully developed. Induction of anesthesia in infants
is more rapid, however, because of the following:
The ratio of alveolar ventilation to functional
residual capacity (FRC) is 5:1 in the infant and
1.5:1 in the adult.
The neonate has a greater cardiac output per
kilogram of body weight than the adult.
More of the neonate's cardiac output goes to the
vessel-rich group of organs including the brain (up
to 25%) and the heart.
The infant has a lower blood-gas partition
coefficient for volatile anesthetics and a lower
anesthetic requirement.
1. The rapid induction of anesthesia occurring with
most volatile anesthetics may be hazardous in the
premature, small for gestational age, or unstable
2. Whatever the choice of anesthetic drugs, sick
neonates require resuscitation and normalization of
fluid and electrolyte balance before the induction
of anesthesia.
The common denominator of neonatal surgery is that
the operations are frequently performed emergently.
This contributes significantly to the >10-fold
increase in perioperative morbidity and mortality in
neonates compared to other pediatric age groups.
Additional difficulties can arise because
intraoperative hypoxia and hemodynamic instability
can be the first indication of previously
unrecognized congenital cardiac and pulmonary
anomalies. Regression to fetal circulation may also
occur intraoperatively in neonates because of
hypercarbia, hypoxia, hypothermia, and acidosis. In
addition, respiratory complications are not uncommon
in neonates owing to the small size of their airway,
laryngotracheal lesions, craniofacial anomalies, and
acute (e.g., respiratory distress syndrome,
transient tachypnea of the newborn) or chronic
(e.g., bronchopulmonary dysplasia) lung disorders.
III. Anatomy of the
The newborn period is defined as
the first 24 hours of life. The neonatal period is
the first 30 days of extrauterine life and includes
the newborn period. The infant is an obligate nose
breather in part because of the immaturity in the
coordination between respiratory efforts and the
oropharyngeal motor and sensory input. Conditions
such as congenital choanal atresia or simple nasal
congestion can cause respiratory distress and
asphyxia in the infant.
The oxygen demand in the infant is high: 7 to 9
mL/kg as compared to 3 mL/kg in the mature state.
Infants have a high closing volume, high minute
ventilation-to-FRC ratio, and soft pliable ribs.
Therefore, even some degree of airway obstruction
can have a major impact on the oxygen supply in the
IV. Anesthetic
Preoperative assessment.
The preoperative assessment of a pediatric patient
who has neurologic dysfunction involves establishing
the degree of change in the cerebral compliance. The
clinical presentation varies with the age of the
patient as well as the rapidity and degree of change
in the intracranial contents. Infants might present
with a history of irritability, lethargy, and
failure to feed. They may have an enlarging head
circumference, bulging fontanelle, or lower
extremity motor deficits. Older children might have
headache, nausea, vomiting, or change in the level
of alertness. Funduscopic examination might reveal
papilledema. This can be a late sign in neonates
owing to the presence of an open fontanelle. Some
children, especially neonates, might need further
evaluation by pediatric cardiologists and other
subspecialists because of the presence of
cardiopulmonary disorders and other coexisting
Fluid balance.
The evaluation also includes assessing any fluid and
electrolyte imbalance from lack of intake or active
vomiting because of changes in the ICP. Furthermore,
fluid restriction and the combination of
hyperosmolar (e.g., mannitol) and diuretic (e.g.,
furosemide) therapy may result in hemodynamic
instability and shock when coupled with
intraoperative blood loss. It is therefore necessary
to establish and maintain normovolemia throughout
the perioperative period. Normal saline (or other
nonglucose-containing solution) may be used as the
maintenance fluid because it is slightly
hyperosmolar to plasma. Enough glucose is
administered to prevent hypoglycemia (vide infra).
It is imperative to secure excellent intravenous
access for fluid and blood replacement and drug
delivery before the start of the operation because
the opportunities to do so will be limited once the
operation is in progress. Two large-bore intravenous
catheters are necessary for children undergoing
craniotomy, craniofacial reconstruction, or
extensive spine procedures.
Administration of glucose.
The administration of glucose-containing fluids
during neurosurgical procedures is determined by the
intraoperative measurement of blood glucose. The
automatic addition of glucose to intraoperative
maintenance fluid is unnecessary because
hypoglycemia may not be a common occurrence in
fasting pediatric patients, even in infants <1 year
of age. This is especially true because the stress
response to surgery itself results in hyperglycemia
from increased sympathoadrenal activity with
decreased glucose tolerance, decreased glucose
utilization, and increased gluconeogenesis.
Furthermore, the hyperglycemia caused by excessive
glucose administration can be detrimental in
pediatric patients at risk for hypoxic-ischemic
Solutions containing 1% to 2.5% glucose are less
likely to cause hyperglycemia than are 5% solutions,
especially when administered at a rate of 120
mg/kg/hour (2 to 5 mg/kg/minute), which is
sufficient to maintain an acceptable blood glucose
level and prevent lipid mobilization in infants and
children. The monitoring of intraoperative blood
glucose and the continual adjustment of glucose
administration may be necessary during long
procedures, after prolonged preoperative fasting,
and for neonates and small infants, infants of
diabetic mothers, infants who have intrauterine
growth retardation, children who are small for their
age, children receiving extensive transfusion
(because the preservative solution in blood products
contains glucose), and children who have
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, hypopituitarism,
adrenal insufficiency, pancreatic islet cell adenoma
or carcinoma, large hepatoma, fibroma, or sarcoma,
and pheochromocytoma.
The rate of delivery of hyperalimentation may need
to be reduced owing to a decrease in the glucose
requirement of children receiving hyperalimentation.
Alternatively, they may receive a continuous
infusion of dextrose 10% in water (D10W), but still
require intraoperative glucose monitoring. Other
patients who may require the intraoperative
monitoring and administration of glucose include
neonates under the age of 48 hours, children fasted
during the daytime, patients who have poor
nutritional status, and patients under regional
anesthesia (especially subarachnoid block) which
attenuates the stress response to surgery and lowers
blood glucose concomitantly.
Sedative premedication should be avoided in all
patients suspected of increases in ICP because these
drugs might further embarrass respiration, cause
hypercarbia and cerebral vasodilatation, and lead to
tonsillar herniation. Patients scheduled for the
repair of vascular lesions whose ICP is normal may
be sedated to control preoperative anxiety and avoid
hypertension and rupture of the vascular
Inhalational anesthetics.
Inhalational anesthetics affect mean arterial
pressure (MAP), ICP, and cerebral perfusion pressure
(CPP) in children. At 0.5 and 1 minimum alveolar
concentration, sevoflurane, isoflurane, and
desflurane in 60% nitrous oxide (N2O)
increase ICP and decrease MAP and CPP in a
dose-dependent manner. There is no relationship
between the patient's baseline ICP and the ICP
elevation after exposure to sevoflurane and
isoflurane. Desflurane, however, may increase ICP to
a greater extent in children whose ICP is elevated
preoperatively. Because the effect of a change in
MAP on CPP is 3 to 4 times greater than the effect
of a change in ICP, maintaining MAP is the more
important factor in preserving CPP. For children who
have a known increase in ICP, intravenous anesthesia
may be the better alternative.
Monitoring depends on the patient's age and
condition and the planned surgical procedure.
Routine monitoring includes the use of the
precordial stethoscope, electrocardiogram (ECG),
oxygen saturation (Sao2) by pulse
oximeter, ETco2, noninvasive blood
pressure (NIBP) measurement, esophageal stethoscope
and temperature probe, and a peripheral nerve
stimulator to monitor the degree of neuromuscular
blockade. Direct arterial blood pressure monitoring,
at least two good peripheral intravenous catheters,
and a urinary catheter are recommended for extensive
and invasive surgical procedures. Measurement of
central venous pressure (CVP) may not reflect
intravascular volume accurately, especially in
patients in the prone position, so that the risk of
inserting a CVP catheter may exceed the benefits.
Venous air embolism (VAE).
VAE occurs commonly during craniotomy in infants
because of the head position and surgical approach.
The head of a small child is large in relation to
the rest of the body, causing it to lie above the
heart, even in the supine position. In addition, the
head of the bed is often elevated to facilitate
drainage of blood and CSF during operation. Pressure
within the superior sagittal sinus decreases as the
head is elevated, increasing the likelihood of VAE.
Patients who have a patent ductus arteriosus or
foramen ovale are also at risk for paradoxical air
embolism through these defects. Consequently,
precordial Doppler ultrasonography is used in
conjunction with ETco2 sampling and
direct measurement of arterial blood pressure for
detecting and assessing treatment of VAE. The
optimal position for the Doppler probe is on the
anterior chest just to the right of the sternum in
the fourth intercostal space. The probe may also be
positioned on the posterior chest in infants
weighing <6 kg. The anesthesiologist may also elect
to monitor for the presence of nitrogen in the
end-tidal gas mixture. Because the risk of VAE is
present- and VAE has occurred- in the sitting,
prone, and supine positions, the use of N2O
should be avoided to prevent an increase in the size
of entrained air bubbles.
monitoring. Electrocorticography and
electroencephalography (EEG) necessitate low
concentrations of inhalational anesthetics.
Inhalational anesthetics and N2O depress
somatosensory evoked potentials for operations on
the spine and brain stem; a narcotic technique may
be preferable. The use of electromyography and motor
evoked potentials requires that muscle relaxation be
reversed during electromyography and monitoring of
muscle movement.
ICP monitoring.
ICP monitoring has seen increased utilization in the
management of pediatric head injury because it
facilitates the achievement of preset physiologic
and biochemical goals and the assessment of
patients' response to therapy. ICP after traumatic
brain injury is controlled by maintaining normal
colloid osmotic pressure and decreasing hydrostatic
capillary pressure. Microcirculation around
contusions is enhanced by maintaining normovolemia
and decreasing sympathetic discharge by maintaining
adequate levels of anesthesia. This approach has
been correlated with an improvement in outcome from
traumatic brain injury over the past 10 years.
Temperature regulation.
Because hypothermia is an issue in infants and small
children, they require active heating in the
operating room by elevating room temperature, using
warm-air blankets, radiant warming lights, and
humidification of inspired gases, and warming
intravenous fluids.
Positioning. The
extended duration of neurosurgical procedures and
the unusual access requirements necessitate paying
close attention to the positioning of the patient
before placing surgical drapes through the use of
padding potential pressure points, checking
peripheral pulses, and avoiding stretching of
peripheral nerves. For patients operated in the
prone position, there must be free movement of the
abdominal wall without undue flexion of the head.
Excessive neck flexion may cause the endotracheal
tube to kink, exert excessive pressure on the
tongue, or advance the tube into a mainstem
bronchus. The resultant hypoxia and hypercarbia will
increase ICP, causing upper spinal cord and lower
brain stem ischemia. Patients who already have
posterior fossa abnormalities such as a mass lesion
or Arnold-Chiari malformation are especially at risk
for this complication. Patients may also experience
flexion-induced swelling of the head and tongue from
obstruction of venous and lymphatic drainage and
resultant postextubation obstruction of the airway
or croup. Extreme rotation of the head can also
limit venous return through the jugular veins,
increasing ICP, impairing cerebral perfusion, and
causing bleeding from cerebral veins.
Emergence. The
goals for emergence include prompt awakening to aid
early assessment of neurologic function, hemodynamic
stability, and minimal coughing or straining on the
endotracheal tube to avoid intracranial hypertension
and bleeding. Patients may receive fentanyl before
emergence; arterial hypertension is treated with
vasoactive drugs such as esmolol and labetalol.
Naloxone is avoided because its use has been
associated with uncontrolled hypertension and
coughing when the endotracheal tube is in place.
The trachea is extubated after the patient responds
to commands or when infants and toddlers open their
eyes. Alternatively, some anesthesiologists prefer
to extubate the trachea when the patient is still
deeply anesthetized if there is no contraindication
(e.g., intraoperative catastrophe, loss of airway
reflexes, poor preoperative condition). If the
patient's awakening is delayed and no anesthetic
cause can be determined, the presence of a
neurologic issue can be revealed by a computed
tomographic (CT) scan before tracheal extubation.
Postoperative intubation.
In several circumstances, the patient's trachea
remains intubated into the postoperative period.
Operations that interfere with cranial nerve nuclei
or brain stem function with resultant impairment of
airway reflexes and respiratory drive require
ongoing airway protection and ventilation until
these functions can be assessed. The loss of several
blood volumes, even with replacement, may
necessitate continued maintenance of an artificial
airway and protection of the airway reflexes. Also,
prolonged operation in the prone position may lead
to edema of the face and airway with the possibility
of airway obstruction after extubation.
Postoperative care.
Complications in the postoperative period involve a
number of organ systems. Respiratory dysfunction
occurs frequently after posterior fossa craniectomy.
There may also be airway obstruction secondary to
either edema or cranial nerve injury and apnea from
injury to the respiratory control center in the
brain stem. Operative injury to either the
hypothalamus or the pituitary gland can lead to the
syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic
hormone (SIADH) or diabetes insipidus (DI) with
seizures, changes in the level of consciousness, and
abnormalities of fluid and electrolyte (especially
sodium) balance. When children require sedation for
endotracheal intubation postoperatively, the
administration of propofol is not recommended for
long-term sedation because there have been reports
of children who have developed metabolic acidosis,
lactic academia, and bradyarrhythmias after
prolonged administration. The guideline is to limit
the infusion of propofol to a period of not longer
than 5 days.
V. Neuroanesthetic
Hydrocephalus is the enlargement of the ventricles
from increased production of CSF, decreased
absorption by the arachnoid villi, or obstruction of
the CSF pathways. Hydrocephalus is classified as
communicating (nonobstructive) or noncommunicating
(obstructive). The causes of the increased CSF
collection can be congenital or acquired.
a. Etiology
(1) Congenital. Aqueductal stenosis,
myelomeningocele, Arnold-Chiari malformation, spina
bifida, Dandy-Walker syndrome, mucopolysaccharidoses
(with obliteration of the subarachnoid space),
achondroplasia (with occipital bone overgrowth).
(2) Acquired. IVH, space-occupying lesions,
infections (abscess and meningitis).
Hydrocephalus causes an increase in the head
circumference. Prevention of any further increase in
intracranial contents is vital as this increase may
precipitate herniation. Drainage of CSF can also be
a problem because ventricular arrhythmias may be
associated with the rapid removal of CSF. In some
circumstances, epidural or subdural hemorrhage can
result from a sudden reduction in the ICP. This
sudden change in ICP from the hemorrhage can cause a
change in the level of consciousness of the child,
although the shunt may still be functioning.
Surgical procedures
include ventriculoperitoneal shunt, ventriculoatrial
shunt, ventriculopleural shunt, ventriculojugular
shunt, and ventriculostomy.
Preoperative management.
Assess the patient for any effects of increased ICP
such as nausea, vomiting, changes in the ventilatory
pattern, irritability, decreased level of
consciousness, bradycardia, or hypertension. A CT
scan might demonstrate increase in the size of the
ventricles. Sudden neurologic deterioration in the
pediatric patient must be treated quickly with
emergency endotracheal intubation, muscle
relaxation, hyperventilation with ETco2 monitoring,
and administration of cerebral vasoconstricting
drugs (e.g., barbiturates) and diuretics (e.g.,
mannitol, furosemide) until emergency surgical
reduction of the ICP is achieved. Control of the ICP
is sometimes accomplished by a direct needle
puncture of the lateral ventricle and aspiration of
Premedication. Sedation
is contraindicated because the resulting
hypoventilation may increase ICP. EMLA cream
(eutectic mixture of local anesthetics: lidocaine
and prilocaine) may be used whenever possible to
achieve intravenous access without causing distress
to young patients.
Anesthesia. An
inhalation induction is usually not attempted
because all inhalational anesthetics are cerebral
vasodilators and can increase ICP. A modified
rapid-sequence intravenous induction is preferred to
minimize the risk of aspiration from either gastric
hypotonia secondary to the effects of increased ICP
or a recent meal. Preoxygenation is followed by
intravenous induction with a sedative-hypnotic
(e.g., barbiturate, propofol) and a fast-acting
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant such as rocuronium
for intubation. Muscle relaxation is maintained
throughout the procedure along with total
intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol and
fentanyl. Intravenous fluid is given at a
maintenance level, and either intravenous
ceftriaxone or vancomycin is given (after checking
sensitivity) slowly (over 60 minutes) and in a
diluted solution to prevent histamine release. At
the end of the procedure, the stomach is suctioned
and the trachea is extubated when the patient is
fully awake. This is usually not a problem as long
as the shunt is functioning well.
Craniosynostosis is a congenital anomaly resulting
from premature fusion of the cranial sutures. It can
cause severe cranial deformity, depending on the
involved sutures, and, rarely, intracranial
hypertension and psychomotor retardation from
abnormal brain growth. Males are more often affected
than females. Sagittal synostosis accounts for
nearly half of all cases of craniosynostosis.
Surgery is usually performed in the first 6 months
of life for best results.
Preoperative assessment.
Patients are otherwise healthy but require
assessment for any evidence of increased ICP.
Hemoglobin is determined preoperatively, and blood
is made available for surgery. The surgeons work in
close proximity to major venous sinuses, so sudden
and massive blood loss is a possibility. Blood loss
also increases as the number of involved sutures
Monitoring. Monitoring
includes ECG, Sao2, ETco2,
NIBP, and esophageal temperature as well as an
arterial catheter for direct blood pressure and
arterial blood gas (ABG) measurement and a
precordial Doppler to monitor for VAE. The patient
must have at least two good lines for adequate
intravenous access and a urinary catheter to monitor
urinary output.
Anesthesia. Induction
of anesthesia is either inhalational or intravenous
if a catheter is already in place. The endotracheal
tube is well secured so that ventilation is
undisturbed with head movements. Anesthesia is
maintained with an inhalational agent, air/oxygen,
an intermediate-acting nondepolarizing relaxant, and
a narcotic (fentanyl or morphine) for analgesia.
A key point in the procedure occurs when the
surgeons manipulate the sagittal sutures due to the
possibility of VAE or massive bleeding. The
possibility of VAE may be decreased by maintaining
intravascular blood volume and entrainment of air
attenuated by continuous monitoring with Doppler
ultrasonography. If evidence of VAE exists, alerting
the surgical team enables members to irrigate the
entire field with saline, which, along with
assumption of the head-down position, prevents
further entrainment of intravenous air and enhances
hemodynamic stability. If a central venous catheter
is in place, the anesthesiologist attempts to
aspirate air from the central circulation.
Postoperative management.
At the conclusion of the procedure, the patient is
first awakened and then the trachea is extubated.
The hematocrit is measured during the recovery
period because blood loss continues from the
surgical incision, and patients may need either
blood or blood products to counteract oozing.
Maintaining adequate urine output throughout the
procedure indicates the adequacy of regional organ
Intracranial tumors are the most common solid tumors
of childhood and the second most common pediatric
cancer after the leukemias. Supratentorial tumors
account for approximately half of all intracranial
malignancies and arise from midline structures.
Two-thirds of the infratentorial tumors are in the
posterior fossa. The pathologic distribution
includes gliomas (30%), medulloblastomas (30%),
astrocytomas (30%), ependymomas (7%), and others
(3%: acoustic schwannomas, meningiomas, etc.). All
intracranial tumors increase intracranial volume.
Infratentorial lesions produce signs and symptoms of
brain stem compression and intracranial hypertension
from hydrocephalus secondary to obstruction of flow
of CSF. Craniopharyngioma, the most common tumor of
the hypothalamic-pituitary area, may cause disorders
of the neuroendocrine system including DI.
Preoperative considerations.
Signs and symptoms of increased ICP are noted, and
the need for performing either a ventriculostomy or
a shunt before the definitive operation is
determined. Patients most commonly present with
headache and vomiting for several days and sometimes
weeks. Neonates and infants may have a history of
poor feeding, irritability, or lethargy. The
anterior fontanelle may bulge, eyes may exhibit a
"sunset sign," or the cranium may be enlarged.
There may be obvious engorgement of the scalp veins,
and some patients may show changes in the level of
consciousness or focal neurologic deficits,
depending on the area of brain compression.
Posterior fossa tumors may cause cranial nerve
dysfunction along with signs and symptoms of
increased ICP. An endocrine evaluation may also be
indicated if a craniopharyngioma is suspected along
with a plan for steroid replacement to compensate
for damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. The
hypovolemia and electrolyte imbalance caused by DI
are corrected before surgery is undertaken.
Anesthetic considerations
1. The history is reviewed, including the presence
of seizures and measures to control them, and
documented. A complete physical examination to
identify any neurologic deficits is also performed
and noted.
2. The anesthesiologist assesses the patient for
signs and symptoms of increased ICP and DI and
reviews the results of investigative procedures such
as CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
3. Measures to control ICP including insertion of
either a ventriculostomy or shunt before the
definitive operation are noted. Elevated ICP can
also be decreased by the use of dexamethasone (to
reduce peritumoral edema), furosemide (which also
reduces CSF production), or hypertonic saline. The
routine use of mannitol is not advised when the
presence of a craniopharyngioma is suspected because
it may interfere with the intraoperative
identification of DI.
4. Patients who have increased ICP may have either
altered gastric emptying or dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance from poor feeding, vomiting,
and SIADH.
5. The patient's position is discussed with the
surgeon, and the head is positioned to avoid any
obstruction to venous return. The Mayfield horseshoe
headrest is used for prone positioning because pins
may cause skull fractures, dural tears, and
intracranial hematomas. Blood is typed and
cross-matched and immediately available in the
operating room. Intraoperative DI, although more
common in the postoperative period, is treated with
intravenous aqueous vasopressin and administration
of intravenous fluid.
6. Monitoring for the operation to remove an
intracranial tumor includes the use of all routine
monitors and a urinary catheter. In addition, an
arterial catheter for direct hemodynamic monitoring
and determination of blood chemistry is necessary
for pediatric patients undergoing craniotomy. A
central venous catheter is recommended when blood
loss is expected, when there is a concern about DI
and SIADH, or when the head position and the
surgical approach increase the risk of VAE. The
femoral vein is recommended for central venous
access in small children because of the ease of
entry and lack of interference with cerebral venous
drainage as may occur when the jugular veins are
Anesthesia. Induction
is focused on measures to reduce the ICP. The
recommended sequence is intravenous induction,
hyperventilation, and gentle, brief laryngoscopy to
secure the airway. The use of bupivacaine 0.25% with
epinephrine 1:200,000 to infiltrate the scalp before
the skin incision confers analgesia and decreases
the anesthetic requirement and the bleeding.
Limiting the total dose to 1 mL/kg of the
bupivacaine 0.25% mixture avoids toxicity.
Intraoperative concerns include optimal positioning
of the head, maintaining body temperature, and
adequately replacing fluid and blood loss. The
anesthetic technique (air; oxygen; low concentration
of inhaled anesthetic; a nonhistamine-releasing,
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant; and a short-acting
narcotic) is designed to avoid oversedation and
allow early assessment of neurologic function at the
completion of surgery. Positioning and
hyperventilation may be used to minimize brain
swelling. If necessary, mannitol, 0.25 to 1 g given
intravenously, and furosemide may be added, although
this negates the use of urine output as an
indication of intravascular volume status.
A smooth and prompt emergence from anesthesia is
desirable. The decision to extubate the trachea of
pediatric patients depends not only on the length of
the procedure but also on the intraoperative course
of events, the extent of the tumor resection, the
expected neurologic deficits, the probability of
loss of protective airway reflexes and attendant
need for airway protection, the possibility of
seizures, and the degree of need for postoperative
control of ICP. Operation in the posterior fossa may
cause either damage to or edema around the brain
stem respiratory center or cranial nerves
innervating the vocal cords and soft tissues of the
upper airway with resultant apnea, stridor, or
postextubation airway obstruction. The
administration of drugs including phenytoin and the
monitoring of ABG, hematocrit, blood chemistry,
fluid balance, and neurologic function are continued
in the postoperative period.
Surgery for epilepsy.
Patients who require operation for epilepsy have
intractable seizures owing to congenital disorders,
birth trauma, tumors, or vascular malformations.
Continual seizure activity has deleterious effects
on the development of the brain and causes
psychosocial dysfunction.
Perioperative risks arising from status epilepticus
include severe hypoxemia and sudden death. The
chronic use of large doses of anticonvulsant (e.g.,
phenytoin and carbamazepine) for the medical
management of seizures may alter pharmacologic
response because of enzyme induction, liver
dysfunction, and jaundice. This may result in rapid
metabolism and clearance of anesthetic drugs
including narcotics and muscle relaxants. Anesthetic
requirements are therefore increased, and patients
require more frequent administration of anesthetic
Preoperative assessment.
Assessment involves determining the age of onset,
type, and frequency of the seizures and any
deleterious effects on mental status and
development. Recent changes in the level of
consciousness and the appearance of new motor
deficits must be recognized preoperatively and
documented. Liver function tests and a coagulation
profile are performed preoperatively.
When targeting important areas of the brain such as
the motor cortex and the speech centers, surgery is
performed under local anesthesia if the patient is a
cooperative older child or adolescent. Young
children and those with evidence of anxiety,
developmental delay, and psychiatric illness need
general anesthesia. For awake procedures,
establishing rapport with the patient and explaining
the state of dissociation, lack of pain
(neuroleptanalgesia), and need for cooperation are
essential for the success of the operation. No
sedatives or anticonvulsants are administered for 48
hours if electrophysiologic studies are to be
conducted intraoperatively. All patients receive
dexamethasone for 48 hours to control brain
swelling. Ultrashort-acting barbiturates are readily
available to control seizure episodes in the
perioperative period. A comfortable position and
constant visual contact between the patient and
anesthesiologist are essential.
Blood loss may occur from a large craniotomy,
especially in the smaller patient, so blood must be
available. The fluid warmer is used to maintain
normothermia. The patient well padded because these
procedures may be lengthy.
Monitoring. Routine
monitors, including a urinary catheter, are
employed, and normocapnia is maintained during the
procedure. Intravenous catheters, arterial
catheters, and nerve stimulators are placed on the
limbs not being used by the surgeons to observe
motor function during the localization of the
seizure focus. This is discussed with the surgeons
in advance and explained to the patient.
Neurophysiologic monitoring is used to guide the
actual resection of the epileptogenic focus because
it may be in close proximity to areas in the cortex
controlling memory, speech, and sensory and motor
function. General anesthesia can affect the
sensitivities of these modalities.
Anesthesia. All
inhalational anesthetics depress cerebral activity
and are avoided during EEG studies. The successful
use of low concentrations of isoflurane in
combination with narcotics has been reported in
several centers. N2O is avoided for
repeat craniotomies, as for removal of
electrocorticographic leads or depth electrodes,
until the dura is opened because intracranial air
may persist for up to 3 weeks after the initial
craniotomy. Propofol induces dose-dependent changes
in the EEG with an increase in beta activity at low
infusion rates and an increase in delta activity,
followed by burst suppression, at high infusion
rates. Etomidate is not recommended because it
produces interictal spiking and might induce
clinical seizures in these patients. Ketamine
activates epileptogenic foci in epileptic patients
and is not recommended. A combination of droperidol
and fentanyl or propofol and fentanyl can be used
during awake craniotomies. The propofol is
discontinued 20 minutes before electrophysiologic
monitoring is to begin.
Nondepolarizing relaxants have no effect on
electrical activity. The dose requirements are
higher due to the interaction with the
anticonvulsant drugs. No muscle relaxant is used
during the period of direct cortical stimulation so
that the surgeons can observe motor activity. This
is essential when cortical stimulation of the motor
strip is performed under general anesthesia.
Postoperative management.
Careful monitoring of neurologic function is vital
during the first 24 hours after the operation.
Motor, memory, or speech dysfunction or increased
seizure activity may occur in the postoperative
period. The hematocrit is monitored because blood
loss from a large cranial incision can be
considerable. Postoperative pain must be controlled
to avoid episodes of hypertension. Short-acting
barbiturates or propofol must be available to treat
seizure activity.
Head trauma.
Skull fractures occur at all ages as a result of
birth injury, traffic and playground accidents,
domestic negligence, or abuse. They may be
depressed, open, or basal skull fractures and
increase morbidity and mortality if unrecognized.
Traumatic sequelae include epidural, subdural, and
intracerebral hematomas, cerebral contusion, and
edema with signs of intracranial hypertension.
1. Epidural hematomas.
Epidural hematomas account for 25% of all
intracranial hematomas and are considered to be true
medical emergencies. Most frequently caused by a
tear in the middle meningeal artery, epidural
hematomas can lead to a decreasing level of
consciousness, pupillary dilatation, hemiparesis,
posturing, or coma. Patients require urgent surgical
evacuation of the hematoma and achievement of
intracranial hemostasis.
2. Subdural hematomas.
Subdural hematomas result from parenchymal contusion
or blood vessel tears sustained during birth trauma
or shaking, as in shaken baby syndrome. They can
cause brain edema and progressive neurologic
3. Skull fractures.
Skull fractures are of concern if they involve major
blood vessels. Depressed fractures require surgical
elevation and might be associated with dural
lacerations. Signs and symptoms depend on the extent
of cortical injury. Basilar fracture might cause
periorbital ecchymoses, hemotympanum, changes in the
level of consciousness, and seizures.
Preoperative considerations.
A CT scan helps in the assessment of the extent of
neurologic injury and possible intracranial
hypertension. Establishing an airway, maintaining
adequate ventilation and circulation, and
determining the level of consciousness, associated
injuries causing cardiovascular instability, and
thermoregulatory problems are of paramount concern.
The cervical spine is evaluated and immobilized
until the presence of a cervical fracture is ruled
out. Renal function must be investigated and the
urine checked for hematuria. Blood for transfusion
must be available and circulating blood volume
restored with blood or crystalloid or both. The need
for preoperative evaluation of hematocrit,
coagulation profile, and acid-base and electrolyte
balance depends on the type and extent of injury.
Blunt trauma to the abdomen and long-bone fractures
can be major sources of blood loss.
Monitoring. Routine
monitors, urinary catheter, and arterial catheter
for direct blood pressure monitoring are essential.
Adequate intravenous access is necessary for volume
Anesthesia. The trachea
is intubated with the head in "neutral position" to
avoid any injury to the cervical spine, and
ventilation is controlled to avoid increasing ICP.
Volume resuscitation precedes the rapid-sequence
induction of anesthesia, which is achieved by the
administration of thiopental or propofol, a
narcotic, and a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant of
rapid onset. The dose of sedative-hypnotic is
reduced in hypovolemic patients. Maintenance of
anesthesia with air, oxygen, low-dose inhalational
anesthetic, and narcotic allows prompt emergence for
early neurologic assessment. Poor preoperative
condition and adverse intraoperative events mitigate
against early awakening and extubation.
Postoperative care.
Control of ICP is vital in the postoperative period.
The patient may remain asleep and mechanically
ventilated in the intensive care unit if there is
concern about either neurologic or organ system
Meningomyelocele and
encephalocele. Embryologic neural tube
fusion takes place during the first month of
gestation. Failure of fusion causes herniation of
the meninges (meningocele) or elements of the neural
tube (myelomeningocele) and can occur at any level
of the spinal cord. Abnormality occurring at the
level of the head is referred to as encephalocele.
Defects arising at higher levels in the spine can
produce bowel, bladder, and lower extremity
dysfunction. Most patients also have Arnold-Chiari
malformation and hydrocephalus. Surgery is performed
at the earliest opportunity (usually in the first
week of life) to avoid infection of the CNS. It is
important to note that these patients frequently
have or may develop latex allergy, either because of
repeat exposure (as from frequent catheterization)
or because of a genetic propensity, and need to be
treated from birth as if the patients do have a
latex allergy. The anaphylactic reaction that may
result from exposure to latex ranges from airway
involvement (tingling of the lips, facial swelling,
wheezing) to cardiovascular collapse. Severe
anaphylaxis is treated with the administration of
fluid, epinephrine, vasopressors, steroids, and
diphenhydramine (Benadryl).
Preoperative preparation.
Patients are evaluated for signs and symptoms of
hydrocephalus and the presence of any airway
problems due to a large encephalocele or thoracic
myelomeningocele. There may be considerable
evaporative losses with consequent problems in
maintaining body temperature and fluid balance.
Hematocrit must be checked preoperatively and blood
made available for transfusion because blood loss
may occur during the repair of large defects. The
defect should be well padded in the perioperative
period to avoid further complications from
compression, CSF leak, bleeding, and infection.
Monitoring. Routine
monitoring is used. Patients who are expected to
incur blood loss should have adequate intravenous
access for transfusion, an arterial line, and a
urinary catheter. Electromyographic monitoring is
used to identify functional nerve roots during
operation for tethered cord release. The goal is to
minimize injury to nerves innervating muscles of the
anal sphincter and lower extremities.
Anesthesia. Intravenous
access should be established before induction.
Positioning and airway management may be
particularly challenging with a large encephalocele.
The patient is placed in the lateral or supine
position with the encephalocele or myelomeningocele
padded in a "doughnut" support. Intravenous
atropine is given and the trachea intubated either
awake or after the intravenous administration of a
sedative-hypnotic (e.g., thiopental, propofol) and a
nondepolarizing muscle relaxant. The eyes are taped
closed, the patient turned to the prone position,
and the limbs padded. Additional relaxant should not
be given if the surgeons plan to use intraoperative
nerve stimulation and electromyographic monitoring,
and anesthesia is maintained with a low
concentration of inhalation agent and a narcotic
suited to the length of the procedure. Temperature,
blood loss, and fluid balance are monitored closely
during the procedure. The trachea is extubated after
the patient awakens at the end of the procedure and
neurologic integrity has been confirmed. Infants who
are at risk of postoperative apnea should have
oxygen saturation and apnea monitors in place for
overnight observation.
Craniofacial surgery.
Cranial deformities are syndromes associated with
premature closure of the cranial sutures. Premature
closure may be one manifestation of a number of
congenital syndromes and is often associated with
anomalies involving the heart or other organs.
Patients may be born prematurely and have
respiratory dysfunction in addition to a difficult
airway from the craniofacial deformity.
Preoperative preparation
1. Detailed evaluation of the etiology of the
craniofacial abnormality as well as the presence of
associated anomalies is vital. Careful note of any
anticipated airway management problems must be made.
Previous anesthesia records must be reviewed if the
patient has had cardiac or other corrective
surgeries in the past.
2. The choice of laboratory investigations depends
on the specific craniofacial defect and may include
an echocardiogram or consultation with a
3. Consideration of tracheotomy for airway
management in the perioperative period is an
important aspect of patient evaluation.
4. Massive blood loss is always a concern during
these procedures. Therefore, adequate amounts of
blood and blood products should be available.
5. The ambient temperature in the operating room is
increased to facilitate the maintenance of body
temperature and airway humidity during what
frequently turns out to be a lengthy procedure.
6. Fluid warmers are used to warm infusions. Blood
replacement is started early and continued in the
postoperative period.
Monitoring involves the
use of routine monitors, Doppler if the patient's
head is positioned above the heart during surgery;
direct arterial blood pressure measurement, which
also facilitates the measurement of ABGs,
hematocrit, and electrolytes; and a urinary
1. Establishment of good intravenous access is
important because these procedures tend to be long
and involve massive blood loss.
2. Every attempt is made to keep the patient warm
during surgery by increasing the ambient temperature
and using a forced-air warming blanket, heated
humidifier, and fluid warmer.
3. The successful maintenance of fluid balance is
ascertained by hematocrit and urine output.
4. The coagulation profile is checked after
replacement of one blood volume, especially if
continued loss and replacement are expected.
5. Air embolism is a concern when there is extensive
bone dissection.
6. Resuscitation drugs should be available during
the procedure.
Anesthesia can be induced with either an
inhalational anesthetic (e.g., sevoflurane) if
airway problems are anticipated or with intravenous
drugs if the patient has an intravenous catheter in
place and there is no potential problem with the
airway. The endotracheal tube must be well secured,
especially if the patient will be operated in the
prone position. Eyes are lubricated with
hypoallergenic ointment and taped securely closed.
All pressure points must be well padded. Surgeons
can request the intraoperative reduction of
intracranial volume to help with the retraction of
the frontal lobes during dissection of the orbital
structures. Maintenance of anesthesia is usually
with air, oxygen, a long-acting nondepolarizing
muscle relaxant, and a narcotic for analgesia.
Postoperative care.
Intubation of the trachea continues into the
postoperative period mainly to ensure adequate
ventilation. Airway and breathing problems may arise
owing to the length of the procedure, expected fluid
shifts from massive transfusion, and the use of
intraoperative narcotics. Postoperative transfusion
might be required because of continued oozing from
the surgical site.
Vascular anomalies.
Large arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are
associated with high-output congestive heart failure
in infants who may require hemodynamic support.
The initial treatment is by the interventional
neuroradiologist who performs selective
intravascular embolization. Because the operation
for the ligation of an AVM is associated with
considerable blood loss, hemodynamic monitoring and
good intravenous access are essential. The
anesthesiologist also needs to be prepared to treat
the sudden hypertension and hyperemic cerebral edema
that may develop after ligation of the AVM. This
treatment includes hyperventilation and the
administration of labetalol and sodium
Moyamoya disease is a
chronic vasculo-occlusive disorder of the carotid
arteries so named because, on angiography, the
vessels appear as a "puff of smoke." The syndrome is
associated with neurofibromatosis, Down's syndrome,
previous intracranial radiation, and hematologic
disorders. Patients present with either transient
ischemic attacks or recurrent strokes. Anesthetic
management involves the enhancement of cerebral
perfusion through adequate preoperative hydration,
intraoperative maintenance of the preoperative blood
pressure, and maintenance of normocapnia to avoid
steal from ischemic areas of the brain. The
combination of air, oxygen, and narcotic confers a
stable level of anesthesia and permits the use of
intraoperative EEG monitoring. Cerebral perfusion is
maintained in the postoperative period through
optimal intravenous hydration and adequate pain
management to avoid cerebral vasoconstriction from
hypertension and hyperventilation.
VI. Neuroradiology
Anesthetic management of
neurodiagnostic and neurointerventional procedures.
Most pediatric patients require general anesthesia
for neuroradiologic diagnostic procedures such as CT
scanning, MRI, angiography, and myelography, as well
as interventional procedures and radiation therapy
because of age (infants), anxiety, lack of
understanding and cooperation, developmental delay,
and inability to remain still for lengthy
procedures. Sedation is employed in older,
cooperative children undergoing short procedures
that do not produce pain and discomfort. Anesthesia
is frequently administered in locations remote from
the operating suite, which means that the same
equipment and level of assistance must be available.
In addition, the radiologists and their staff must
be oriented so that they understand the
anesthesiologist's issues and concerns regarding
pediatric patients.
MRI makes use of the
intense magnetic field emanating from the large
static magnet. Ferromagnetic objects should never be
brought into the room housing the magnet. The
patient must also be absolutely still and isolated
within the tunneled scanning space (which may induce
claustrophobia) during the examination. The
procedure does not cause any pain to the patient and
usually takes approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour.
All ferromagnetic objects must be removed from the
patient because they may induce motion artifact in
the magnetic field. Patients must also be checked
for metal objects such as aneurysm clips and
cochlear implants. The intravenous infusion of
propofol administered by means of an MRI-compatible
pump is an effective anesthetic technique for these
procedures. Alternatively, inhalation anesthesia may
be administered with an MRI-compatible anesthesia
machine using a laryngeal mask (LMA) or an
endotracheal tube.
CT scanning also
requires understanding and cooperation on the part
of the patient who will need to remain still
throughout the procedure to secure diagnostic images
of high quality. Sedation is used to enhance patient
cooperation. Neonates may be scanned without any
sedation because they will fall asleep, but infants
might need general anesthesia with intravenous or
inhalational drugs for the procedure. Sedation is
also required in older children who are either
uncooperative or mentally handicapped. Healthy
children who are older may be scanned without
sedation as long as they are assured it will be
painless. Patients undergoing stereotactic-guided
radiosurgery require general anesthesia.
Angiography is used
mainly as an adjunct to diagnostic CT scanning and
MRI. Its main indication is for the detailed
demonstration of AVM's and moyamoya disease, as well
as the extent of tumor vascularity. Cerebral
angiography is usually performed through the
transfemoral route with an injection of nonionic
contrast agents and requires general anesthesia in
small children.
Periprocedural management
includes the following activities:
1. Review the patient's history and any previous
diagnostic or surgical procedures and their
2. Check that the consent form has been signed and
the patient has been fasting.
3. Discuss the procedure with the parent and the
older patient and develop rapport with the younger
4. Ensure adequate functioning of the anesthesia
machine and suction apparatus and the availability
of equipment for difficulty in airway management and
5. Apply all standard monitors routinely used in the
operating room: ECG, blood pressure, pulse oximeter,
ETco2, and temperature.
6. Institute controlled ventilation with normocapnia
for patients undergoing cerebral angiography to
achieve good-quality images after the injection of
the intravenous contrast.
7. Because allergic or anaphylactic reactions are
always a possibility with the contrast material used
during CT scan, MRI, and angiographic procedures,
document history of any allergic reactions and be
prepared to treat a reaction if one occurs during
the procedure.
8. Monitor patients in a recovery area until they
are fully awake and stable before discharging them
from the unit. Patients who exhibit an anaphylactic
reaction might require intubation, ventilation, and
overnight observation because laryngeal edema is a
possible sequela of allergic reactions.
9. Monitor patients during transportation from
remote locations if they require recovery in the
postanesthesia care unit. In addition, procedures
that begin in the radiology suite may be continued
in the operating room, necessitating that the
patients remain anesthetized and monitored during